La Plaza Telecommunity Board of Directors Regular Meeting Taos Convention Center January 11, 2000
Motions passed: 1. to approve the agenda 2. to approve the minutes 3. to approve the budget for 2000. 4. to establish an ad hoc committee to study fees and usage. 5. to adjourn AGENDA Call to Order - Peter Alexander, President Approval of Agenda - Peter Alexander, President Approval of December Minutes- Peter Alexander, President. Member Comments - Peter Alexander, President Executive Director Report - Judith Pepper, Executive Director Technology Report - Oban Lambie, System Administrator Financial Report - Pete Warner, Treasurer Committee Reports - Peter Alexander, President Public Relations - Ira Schwartz, Chair Nominating - Dawn Redpath, Chair Fund Raising - Dawn Redpath, Chair Education - Ira Schwartz, Chair Bylaws - Mats Wichman, Chair Board Discussion - Peter Alexander, President Next Meeting February 8, 2000, El Taoseno Room, Coronado Room, Taos Convention Center Adjournment - Peter Alexander, President Call to Order by Vice President Schwartz at 6:06 p.m. Present: Goetz, Lambie (System Administrator), Myers, Redpath, Romero, Schwartz, Suazo, Pepper (Executive Director), Warner, Wichman. Absent: Alexander. Approval of Agenda MOTION to approve agenda: Redpath SECOND: Myers VOTE: Agenda approved. Approval of December minutes. MOTION to approve(on line): Myers SECOND (on line): Wichman VOTE: approved with one abstention due to absence. In the future, minutes will be posted on the internet, a motion and second obtained and, if, in five working days, no one has objected, the minutes will be considered approved. Member/Guest Comments - Ira Schwartz, Vice President No members or guests were present. Executive Director’s Report - Judith Pepper, Exec. Dir. The report was circulated to the board members at the meeting. Technology Report - Oban Lambie, System Administrator The report was circulated to the board members at the meeting. Treasurers Report - Pete Warner The report was circulated to the board members at the meeting. MOTION to approve the budget for 2000: Myers SECOND: Warner VOTE: approved unanimously. MOTION to establish an ad hoc committee of Romero, Myers, Warner and Pepper on fees and usage: Warner SECOND: Schwartz VOTE: Approved unanimously. Committee Reports - Ira Schwartz, Vice President Public Relations - Judith Pepper, Chair Nominating - Dawn Redpath, Chair Fund Raising - Dawn Redpath, Chair Education - Ira Schwartz, Chair Bylaws - Mats Wichman, Chair Board Discussion - Ira Schwartz, Vice President Adjournment: 7:50pm MOTION to adjourn: Warner SECOND: Suazo VOTE: to adjourn Next Meeting February 8, 2000, El Taoseno Room, Coronado Room, Taos Convention Center