La Plaza Telecommunity Board of Directors Regular Meeting Penasco Community Center April 18, 2000. 4:00 PM
MOTIONS PASSED 1. to approve agenda 2. to approve and confirm March minutes AGENDA 1. Call to order Peter Alexander, President 2. Approval of Agenda Peter Alexander, President 3. Approval of February Minutes Peter Alexander, President 4. Member Comments Peter Alexander, President 5. Technology Report Oban Lambie, System Administrator 6. Executuve Director Report Peter Alexander, President 7. Financial Report Pete Warner, Treasurer 8. Committee Reports Peter Alexander, President Public Relations- Peter Alexander, Chair Nominating - Dawn Redpath, Chair Fund Raising - Dawn Redpath, Chair Education - Ira Schwartz, Chair Bylaws - Mats Wichman - Chair Fees and Useage - Mats Wichman - Chair 9. Board Discussion Peter Alexander, President Adjournment Peter Alexander, President Next Meeting: May 16, 2000. El Taoseno Room, Taos. 4:00 PM. Call to order by President Peter Alexander at 4:05 PM Present: Alexander, Redpath, Romero, Schwartz, Warner, Wichman, Lambie (System Administrator). Absent: Goetz, Myers, Suazo. Members present: Walter Brennan, Joyce Lovato. Approval of Agenda Motion to Approve: Schwartz, Second: Romero. Vote: Agenda approved. Approval of March Minutes Motion to Approve: Warner, Second: Redpath. Vote: Minutes approved. Member Comments Members Brennan and Lovato both reported great difficulty in getting on line from the Penasco area. Oban Lambie responded with a report on the status of our efforts to improve Penasco service, and an estimated timeline for the improvements. Technology Report Oban Lambie reported on the status of the radio service to Penasco. He presented the first monthly on-line useage report; President alexander requested that the Fees and Useage Committee study this report and come up with recommendations for possible changes in our fee structure for discussion at the next Board meeting. Financial Report Pete Warner presented the March financial report. He pointed out that there were errors in the monthly budget comparison section of the report. As a result, it was decided to defer approval of the report until corrections are made. He also reported that the selection process has begun for a CPA to perform the annual audit of 1999 financials. Executive Director Report The Executive Director Report had previously been circulated by E-Mail. Committee Reports Education-Ira Schwartz, Chair. The education survey should be ready by next month. Fund Raising-Dawn Redpath, Chair. Fundraising calls for Tango are underway. Fees and Useage-Mats Wichman, Chair. Online discussions will start this month. Board Discussion Adjournment The President adjourned the meeting at 5:26PM