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Report from Board of Directors December 1996

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The Board has met four times. From the earliest meeting, it was determined that the highest priority before us was the determination of the fiscal health and hygiene of La Plaza. With that intent, a temporary freeze was placed on expenditures. After receipt of budget information for December, 1996, that freeze was lifted.

  1. The Board has requested delivery of a long list of documents covering every activity of La Plaza, and a portion of these have been delivered.

  2. A proposed orientation of new members of the Board by the executive officers is on our agenda, but has not yet been performed.

  3. Cyd Strickland, Executive Director, attends meetings at the pleasure of the Board, but is not a voting member.

  4. New members of the Board were presented with a confidentiality agreement, but declined to sign it. They voted instead to accept as guidance the statement on confidentiality included in The American Bar Association's "Guidebook for Directors of Non-Profit Corporations". The text of that statement is as follows:

    "E. Confidentiality
    A director should not, in the regular course of business,
    disclose information about the corporation's legitimate
    activities unless they are already known to the public or are
    of public record.
    In the normal course of business, a director should treat as
    confidential all matters involving the corporation until there
    has been general public disclosure or unless the information is a
    matter of public record or common knowledge.  The individual
    director is not a spokesperson for the corporation and thus
    disclosure to the public of corporate activities should be made
    only through the corporation's designated spokesperson, usually
    the Chief Executive or, in large organizations, a public relations
    officer.  This presumption of confidential treatment should
    apply to all current information about legitimate board or
    corporate activities.(11)
    (11)  Some public benefit corporations already face, and probably will
    increasingly face, demands for open meetings of their boards;
    in some cases, mixed public-private activities may impose that
    duty.  Such practices are, as of this writing, infrequently
    required as a matter of law: but if open meetings are adopted as a
    practice, specific rules as to confidentiality, whether or not
    legally mandated, will have to be developed."
  5. Following acceptance of this statement, I, as President of the Board of Directors, was designated as official spokesperson for La Plaza.

I know that this first official public statement will not satisfy the hungers of every one of you. The board is new and busy, but has every intention of developing an open relationship with you.

George. W. Zopf, President, Board of Directors, La Plaza Telecommunity Foundation.