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To Know About


fruit juice
fruit drinks

One serving of fruit is a healthy
amount to eat at one time.

Fresh fruit
1 serving means:
1 medium orange
1 medium banana
1 medium apple
1 medium pear
1/2 cup grapes

Have you tried these fruits?

watermelon, 1 slice
kiwi fruit, 1 medium
cantaloupe, 1/2 cup chopped
grapefruit, 1/2
strawberries, 1/2 cup chopped
peach, 1 medium
plum, 1 medium
apricot, 1 medium

For best value, buy fresh fruits as needed and refrigerate them.

Cooked fruit
1 serving means 1/2 cup.

When cooking fruit, like apples, remember fruit has its own natural sugars and is already sweet. So you don't need to add sugar to the fruit while cooking. Add sugar substitute after cooking if you want it sweeter.

For best value, cook fruits without adding sugar, or have a piece of fresh fruit.

Fruit juice(unsweetened)
1 serving means 3/4 cup.

Be sure to measure it. If you eat fresh fruit instead, you can eat more and you get the fiber and nutrients!

For best value, eat fresh fruit!

Canned fruit
1 serving means 1/2 cup.

Read the front of the label and choose fruits packed in water or their own juice.

If you have fruit in heavy or light syrup, rinse them with water before eating.

For best value, eat fruit "packed in their own juice," or have a piece of fresh fruit.

Dried fruit
1 serving means 1/4 cups.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Let's think one medium apple. Now let's dry it and take the water out. We're left with about 1/4 cup of fruit. So when you eat dried fruit, you need less. Don't be fooled; a little bit of dried fruit goes a long way. Buy dried fruit with "no added sugar."

Frozen fruit
1 serving means 1/2 cup.

Read the front of the label and choose the one with no sugar added. Add sugar substitute if you want it sweeter.

For best value, eat fruit with "no added sugar," or have a piece of fresh fruit.

Fruit "drinks"
Beware of fruit drinks. They have lots of sugar. They are not juice!

For best value, drink unsweetened fruit juice or have a piece of fresh fruit!