Nathaniel Sandoval
My name is Nathaniel Sandoval and I'm 15 years old turning 16 on the first of April.  I'm currently going to the Taos High School and I'm in my sophomore year.  I was born and raised in Taos New Mexico and so far I have a great life.  I'm 5 feet 10 inches and am about 125 pounds with hazel eyes and brown hair.  Almost all of my family lives in Taos but some live in either Denver Col. or San Francisco Cali.   I love to go up to the mountains and hike or climb and in the winter I love to go skiing.  I love to fish and bike in the mountains but I also love to hang out with friends or family and just kick back and relax.  Or if I'm feeling crazy ill go out and party with my cousins and just have a good time like any other teenager.  I've lived with my grandparents my whole life and its been great so far.  I want to finish school and go to college the 2nd year I get out and study in computers.  Such as a computer technician or a web page designer.  But if that doesn't go well for me I will look into being a police officer.  Later on I plan to get married if I find the right girl and have about 3 kids.  But that's way in the future so I won't bore you with that but that's mostly all there is about me.  I hope I didn't make you fall asleep on the keyboard from boring you with my life but this is what I look like.
I just completed my first website on my father, Wilfred Sandoval, who is a well established artist from Taos.  You can see his work at:


If you would like to talk to me you can email me at: