Cesar Chaves

Cesar Estreda Chaves was  born on March 31, 1927 near Yuma Arizona. He was named after his grandfather Cesairo Chaves .

He learned about justice , or injustice early in his life . To me Cesar Chaves made life easier for farmworkers who are mainly Hispanic.  One of the issues he was working on before he died was pesticides in the fields.  Many farmworkers and residents hwo worker or lived near the fields were getting sick.  Most of these illnesses came from pesticides found on mostly grapes.  Some of these pesticides give people cancer. Cesar was a founder of the United Farm Worker (UFW) union. Their flag has the colors red and black which stand for prosparity and standing up for what is rright. Cesar was a great man for standing up for what he beleved and thats why I admire his courage and non violent way of life.

On April 29, 1993 Cesar Estreda Chaves was honored in death by those he led in life. More than 50,000 mourners marched to Sacramento from Delano, California to honor such a wunderful  human being.

Information and picture found at http://www.ufw.org/

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