The Taos Outdoor Recreation Association members offer a variety of activities and services including ski and snowboard rentals, resort and bed & breakfast lodging, snowmobiling, rafting, mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding and trail and camping information. ski2.jpg (3176 bytes)

T w e n t y    m e m b e r s.     H u n d r e d s     o f    a c t i v i t i e s.

Explore Taos and the Enchanted Circle of northern New Mexico with TORA members acting as your guide to this unique area. 

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The Taos Outdoor Recreation Association was formed in 1991 for the purpose of preserving and enhancing outdoor recreational opportunities and resources. TORA members work in cooperation to open more public lands to recreation, maintain and improve existing trail systems, form and implement policies regarding public land use and public access, and improve the quality and diversity of recreational activities in Northern New Mexico
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For information on becoming a member, contact Joseph Quintana, TORA President.