A new international association for community networking

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By roving reporter David Wilcox

A group of 20 community networking practitioners today spent six hours fleshing out ideas for a new organisation to promote and support the use of new media for community networking.

They had spent the past several months both online and offline discussing the possibility of a new association. Included in that process was a day long discussion at the Morino Institute at Reston, Virginia in late March.

Today the group split into teams to assess issues in three key areas and agree on first action points to put to the larger conference.

Organisational development
We agreed that:

Potential products and services
Some basic premises were that it should have an international constituency; that it would support both start up and established community networking efforts; and it would offer both free and fee based products and services. For example:

Products and services for further discussion:

The organisation might promote the products and services through a campaign with three elements:

  1. A clearinghouse on the Web, of:

  2. A community regeneration network

  3. A Community Networking start up kit

These elements of the campaign would be targeted at audiences on different levels:

Some of the campaign elements would be passive -- presentation of material -- but the main thrust would be active promotion.

The campaign might start simultaneously in several countries, and have a different emphasis in each to suit local circumstances.

Steve Snow, Charlotte's Web
shsnow@charweb.org (Steve Snow)

David Wilcox, Partnerships for Tomorrow
dwilcox@pavilion.co.uk (David Wilcox)