Native American Diabetes Project

Meeting 1: Exercise More!

  Table of Contents

A vision for ourselves and our families.
What is diabetes?
Exercise can prevent or delay diabetes!
Ideas for exercise!
Why should I exercise?
Exercise lowers blood sugar!
Exercise helps control your weight.
What else does exercise do for me?
Everyone can exercise!
How do I start exercising?
Exercise tips!
Choose an exercise you like to do.
Make time to exercise!
How can exercise help my family?
How can I make exercise more fun?
I know I can, I know I can!
Reflections on our journey.
Choose the exercise that is right for you.
What do you think?
A new vision for you!

Supporting Materials:
Exercise and Your Feet
How to Start Walking and Keep Walking!

  | Native Diabetes Project | Back to Top of the Page |
| Meeting 1: Exercise More! | Meeting 2: Eat Less Fat |
| Meeting 3: Eat Less Sugar | Meeting 4: Together We Can |
| Meeting 5: Staying on the Path! |

Copyright January 1995, First Edition, University of New Mexico, School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM 87131.