Taos Day School Booster Club

The Taos Day School Booster Club is currently soliciting donations and contributions for the upcoming '98 - '99 school year.

The primary mission of the Booster Club is to generate financial support and interest for our growing athletic program. Two new sports were added during the '96 - '97 school year, and we hope to add more in the future. The Booster Club is integral to the success of the Day School's athletic program and to the success of the athletes, both in the classroom and on the field.

The Athletic Program at TDS is really an extension of our community involvement. Those involved with the Booster Club understand that they can make a difference. The Booster Club support, along with that of so many others, enables TDS students to fulfill their goals and continue pursuing their dreams.

If you would like to become more involved with the Booster Club, by making a contribution or becoming a member, or if you have any questions, concerns or comments about our organization, do not hesitate to contact the school. All donations are tax-deductible. With your kind help we can continue to "Soar to Success!"

We thank you in advance for your support of the Taos Day School Athletic Program.

Taos Day School
P.O. Drawer X
Taos, NM 87571-1189
Phone (505) 758-3652

Fax (505) 758-1566

Day School honors its own
The annual Athletic Banquet

The Sports We Play

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